Wow, I can't even believe i found this. This is a vintage cartoon i found on www.feministing.com . This gem comes from a children's book called, "I'm Glad I'm a Boy! I'm Glad I'm a Girl! It is from the 1950's and is obviously a gender-based message through a book. Examples in this book include "boys are doctors" and "girls are nurses" what kind of message did this give of to the children. Its pretty much saying women can't be police officers and men can't be nurses. Oh, have things changed that's for sure. This book is surprisingly still in the library when it was made nearly 60 years ago. I'm guessing back then that kind of book was okay and was exceptable for children. This is a prime example how much women have become equal to men. Sure there are still sterotypes but they're definitely not printed in children's book.
You can clearly tell this book was made in the 50's but that fact that it is still being reproduced is almost an outrage. This book could be putting the same stereo-types that women are fighting against into the minds of our children. We are teaching children now a days that all people are created equal and women can do the same things that men can do, so i do not believe that this book should still be being reproduced.
ReplyDeleteI did a blog that was very similar to this one. I was really really shocked when I saw that this was actually published in a real book that was sold in stores to children who are so easily influenced. I saw this and thought that cartoons like these are main reasons why the gender roles were created and kept going. A book like this would never be allowed to be published in the year 2009.
ReplyDeleteThere nothing wrong with this is was the 1950's. Most women saw their place as in the kitchen and men being the bread winners. It is totally discredited if you compare it to today. How many cop or detective shows have women as the main character or head cop, "The Mentalist". And looking at the show "ER" that just went off the air there were many male nurses. Where is the copmparision?
ReplyDeleteI think this book being made in the 50's doesn't surprise you as much as now because of how things have changed with gender over the years. Kids today still feel as if gender goes with jobs such as women are nurses and men are firefighters. Working with kids you hear them talking about these things, especially playing in dress -ups. I think this post is very interesting though because you can most likely still find this book in places today.
ReplyDeleteI think that book allows you to see how far women and men have come in the gender and work area. Instead of women only being able to be nurses or metermaids, a good majority of doctors are now women, as well as police officers. There is no longer the occupational segregation that existed back in the 1950's which is shown clearly through that book. However, one must fully understand that in the 1950's a womans place was believed to be in the kitchen, and the mans place was to be the breadwinner.
ReplyDeleteThis book just says it all. Although this children’s book was made in the 50’s, we still see similar messages given about gender roles today. This is another case where certain things are taught to little boys, and certain things are taught for young girls. However, there has been little change, women are becoming police officers and men are working as nurses. Yet we still typically see them as unusual.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible! We should not be telling our children that they can or cannot be something. I believe that a child should be allowed to be what ever they wan't to be. I'm sure this cartoon has crushed some kids' dreams.
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